That’s right. Cabbage. Glorious cabbage.
We did not arrive at Boat Life as Cabbage Ambassadors, but we have quickly become a huge fan of this versatile veggie.

Cabbage landed in our laps compliments of the very popular cruising blog, The Boat Galley.
One post dealt specifically with the issue of refrigeration on a boat (a main issue of which — assuming you even have a boat fridge — is invariably, not enough space).
Cabbage was on Carolyn’s list of veggies that can be stored at room temperature. Sold.
Cabbage quickly hit its stride when we arrived in Nassau, Bahamas, to the shocking discovery that the lovely box of mixed greens we were used to buying at Costco for $4 was now half the size of the Costco version and three times the price. Pass.
And henceforth began our love affair with cabbage.
Here are a few of our favorite ways to eat it aboard the Ruby Vi:
It takes a little getting used to the extra crunch, but holy buckets -- is it ever worth it! We eat a cabbage salad nearly every night tossed with our favorite (of late) dressing: 1 part olive oil 1 part apple cider vinegar tablespoon or two of dried Italian herbs Tablespoon or two of sugar (or honey) heavy dousing of garlic powder half as heavy dousing of onion powder dash of salt (taste and adjust as needed) As an added bonus, leftover cabbage "salad" will keep in the fridge for 2-3 days and won't wilt and turn to goo like a leftover mixed greens salad invariably does.

Stir Fried!
Slice up that bad boy and toss in a frying pan with hot oil. Don't quit early, it's best caramelized a bit! We've been known to serve this as a side dish, toss with white rice, or even diced potatoes. Go nuts! Our basic go-to: Olive oil Garlic powder Onion powder salt Voila! We sometimes also make a quick and easy stir fry sauce

This one's pretty fun: Slice thick-ish cabbage steaks and marinate in your favorite dressing or with your favorite dry rub for an hour or a day or any amount of time in between. Place cabbage on a barbecue grate or oiled piece of tinfoil and barbecue over medium-high heat until slightly charred. (We are big fans of the char, so we tend to leave them on longer.) Your cabbage steaks are great as-is, on a burger, topped with sautéed onions or mushrooms (or both!)

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