If Chincoteague was a regular season win, Baltimore took a playoff game. Rolling into town, we weren’t entirely sure what a holiday weekend in the Inner Harbor would look like.…
Detour #2 of our Boat Dream transition landed us in Delaware where we spent eight nights at a perfectly wonderful and — praise the gods — appliance-laden condo. We walked…
May 19th marked our 16th day on the road since we drove east from Park City, Maryland-bound. We learned quickly that making plans more than a few hours in advance…
Our plan was simple-ish — leave Park City on a Saturday, arrive in Maryland on Monday, do a walk-thru of what we hoped would be our boat on Tuesday, have…
We divulged plans for our 180 life-turn slowly. …little hints here and there to our closest friends and family. Words like “someday” and “eventually” described a distant timeline for a…
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